Petra Energy Berhad (“Group”) is an integrated brown field services provider with a proven track record spanning over two decades in providing a comprehensive range of services for the upstream oil and gas (O & G) industry. The Group also provides specialist services for the petrochemical and general industries in the domestic, regional and global markets.
Advertised:18 January 2012 | Closing Date:
Group Human Resource
Lot 1310, 1311 & 1312,
Ground, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Floor,
Jalan Bendahara, Waterfront Commercial Centre,
98000, Miri Sarawak, Malaysia.
Tel:085-438 809
Fax: 085-410 981
Email : chrd@penergy.com.my
Website : www.petraenergy.com.my
Advertisement Source: http://www.jobstreet.com.my (Website)
Lot 1310, 1311 & 1312,
Ground, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Floor,
Jalan Bendahara, Waterfront Commercial Centre,
98000, Miri Sarawak, Malaysia.
Tel:085-438 809
Fax: 085-410 981
Email : chrd@penergy.com.my
Website : www.petraenergy.com.my
if any vacancy for pipe gas insulation ,please call 0127852648 ,I have graduate at CIDB wilayah selatan ,urgent for this job ,thanks
Salam... Klu tidak ada certificate blh ke
Salam..sya mahu tanya ada minta job marine ka...sebab sya ada b.s.t course,..kalau ada sya minta olier atau ab...contact no.010-9797305
Ada terima pelajar Latihan Industries dalam bidang Welding ka?
hi, if there is any vacancy for welding, please kindly call 019-8095647 or email to basung1@yahoo.com.sg, I have been working with a contractor to Petronas. Thanks in advance.
hai,kalau ada vacancy untuk welding sila email saya di bekingzizie29@gmail.com.saya memerlukan pekerjaan.tq.
Any vacancy for offshore Medic? Call me hp 0148585290.
kalau ada kekosongan keja contractor offshor , sila email saya Aripz_9307@yahoo.com . tq
is there any vacancy for student to do their industrial training in oil and gas process,kindly please inform me at nufaeusoff@gmail.com or contact to this number 0146852606.thank you.
Kalau ada kekosongan kerja sebagai greaser..tolong inform saya..email aidilvilla95@gmail.com atau contact no saya 01129904752
Blaster painter
Imm course
7years offshore blasting painting oil and gas industry
Ada vacancy untuk scaffolding?
Ada vacancy untuk scaffolding?
Kalau ada vacancy crane operator tolong hubungi saya 0143984915 robert
Ada ambil xda course kah..tapi ada cidb,niosh n ada experience welder..5 tahun pengelaman di dalam dan luar negara..kalau ada whatsup saya 0128716144 @ email cassandra_8580@yahoo.com..tq
Ada ambil xda course kah..tapi ada cidb,niosh n ada experience welder..5 tahun pengelaman di dalam dan luar negara..kalau ada whatsup saya 0128716144 @ email cassandra_8580@yahoo.com..tq
Ada ambil xda course kah..tapi ada cidb,niosh n ada experience welder..5 tahun pengelaman di dalam dan luar negara..kalau ada whatsup saya 0128716144 @ email cassandra_8580@yahoo.com..tq
Ada ambil xda course kah..tapi ada cidb,niosh n ada experience welder..5 tahun pengelaman di dalam dan luar negara..kalau ada whatsup saya 0128716144 @ email cassandra_8580@yahoo.com..tq
If any vacancy for SHO pls email richard.n@mkm.com.my.posses SHO Niosh Cert.
any vacancy for materialsman.? call me 0138253009..tq
above position Material's Planner, it responsibility almost same like Material'sman right?? like prepare MTO/material take off, checking material, made inventory n etc.. please call me 0138253009 if any vacancy for me.. tq..
Do you think they will call if theres vacancy. It is your responsibility to look out for jobs. Openings are listed above but some of you still ask, if theres an opening. Clearly none of you read and ask blindly.